Our mission is to provide biblical truths that your local church doesn't provide for you. You are a child of Eloahh, destined to walk the path of Yasha Yahuah, our savior. Yes, he died on the cross for all of our sins, and rose from the dead 3 days later, but is that all there is to know about his mission, is that all we need to know regarding our Christianity? NO! We must know everything about the heavenly Father and Son. The true doctrine has been misinterpreted and perverted throughout many generations. We must understand that Yasha Yahuah's covenant with mankind isn't a one-way deal where he does all the work and we sit back and continue to wallow in sin. A covenant is an agreement between two parties, where both have to play a role to achieve a common goal. So, what is the part that we must play? AntiBlasphemy Ministries is a site where you can get specialized lessons on fulfilling your part of Yasha Yahuah's covenant and the latest prophetic news updates.
You didn't stumble upon this website by chance. Eloahh is calling you, are you going to ignore his calling, or embrace it?